The Carbon Recycling Fund, a general incorporated association, is pleased to announce that, following last year, we have summarized the progress of promoting carbon recycling and recommendations for public issues when commercializing it, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.
In order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050, the Carbon Recycling Fund will work to implement its recommendations through close collaboration with industry, academia, and government.
[Report structure]
- Trends surrounding carbon recycling
- The significance of carbon recycling and the role and progress of carbon funds
- Carbon Recycling Fund member action progress towards implementation of carbon recycling society
- Recommendations for promoting social implementation of carbon recycling
- summary
Attachment 1. Collection of CRF member initiatives
Attachment 2. CRF member survey results
Attachment 3. CRF overview
Click here for the 2023 CRF progress report (English: outline)
[Overview of Carbon Recycling Fund Institute]
Established: August 30, 2019
Officers: Chairman Tsugio Mitsuoka (Chairman of the Board, IHI Corporation)
Vice Chairman Masayoshi Kitamura (Special Advisor, Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.)
Noriyuki Mita (Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Corporation)
Members: 140 corporate members, 30 individual members, 17 local government members, 24 academic members (as of July 31, 2024)
<Past proposals>
Click here for the 2022 CRF Progress Report (English)
Click here for the 2021 CRF Policy Recommendations (English)